woensdag 11 augustus 2010

Movie: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

The third installment of Harry Potter series. This one is clearly different than the first two movies. They did not wear robes at all, so they did not look like students. Also professor Dumbledore is a different person, I recognized this one's voice is less lower. Hermione's hair is here not the same as in the first two movies. So definitely a different producer for this movie!

I like the adventure at the end where Hermione and Harry saved both Buckbeak and Sirius Black. The 2nd installment it was Harry and Ron in action, this time Harry and Hermione. Hermione's special clock is just a brilliant thing, really! I'm wondering why they won't make use of it in the later installments, especially when Sirius died in book 5, why not turn back the time so that Harry can save him and he will be alive?

I think the focus is less on school but more about other things.

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